Blog articles & cases

Preparation is key, but what if the lock keeps changing?

They say preparation is key… But how can you prepare when everything around you keeps on changing. Nobody was fully…

What would be your motto when it comes to preparation?

Creativity. The word was mentioned earlier in this TIP-IM. Preparing oneself for a bright future also means giving oneself enough…

Editorial – Yes, you grow!

Growing in uncertain times. This may seem difficult. And yet, this could be the ideal time. Even if this “rentrée”…

Big resignation, quiet quitting, quiet firing

Big resignation, quiet quitting, quiet firing… how damaged is the relationship between boss and employee? …

Growing, an existential need

In November 2019, Daan Killemaes, editor-in-chief of Trends, wrote a remarkable opinion piece: ‘Tame capitalism, don’t slaughter it’ ( According…
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