20-somethings on their hopes, fears and expectations of work life… and our tips on anticipating these feelings.

Envisioning “adult life” can be challenging. Even more so it can be discouraging for some. Even though, a large part of young adults looks forward to start their professional career and say farewell to the student life, an equal part feels a knot in their stomach when thinking about what awaits them.
Written on 08-05-2023

20-somethings on their hopes, fears and expectations of work life… and our tips on anticipating these feelings.

Envisioning “adult life” can be challenging. Even more so it can be discouraging for some. Even though, a large part of young adults looks forward to start their professional career and say farewell to the student life, an equal part feels a knot in their stomach when thinking about what awaits them. Because let’s be honest it is hard knowing what you want as a twenty-something year old. 9-5 job? Kids and a backyard with a white fence? It can feel as your (student) freedom gets cut off quite abrupt when starting your professional career. Nevertheless it is not all as bad as it seems. In this ever so rapidly changing world, it is important to take the time and reflect on what can still be done and what can be changed. The fluctuating and innovative mindset of our generation gives hope that our future plans may not be doomed after all. And can be more flexible and freedom fulfilling then you’d think!

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, young professionals have the opportunity to explore alternative work arrangements that offer flexibility and diverse experiences. Remote work and project-based employment, such as interim management, have gained significant popularity. In this article, we will delve into the advantages of these work models and how young adults can leverage them to shape their professional careers.

Remote work embraces flexibility

Remote work has revolutionized the traditional office-based work structure. It allows professionals to work from anywhere, providing freedom from geographical constraints. For young adults entering the workforce, remote work offers numerous advantages. It enables a better work-life balance, eliminates commuting stress, and provides the opportunity to customize their work environment for increased productivity. Moreover, remote work encourages self-discipline, independence, and the ability to manage time effectively.


Welcome to the world of project-based work, the world of Interim Management

Project-based work, particularly in the form of interim management, offers young professionals a unique and dynamic career path. Interim managers are hired on a temporary basis to tackle specific projects or fill leadership roles during transitional periods. This mode of work allows individuals to gain diverse experiences across different industries and organizations, fostering rapid professional growth. It offers the chance to solve complex problems, make tangible contributions, and build a robust professional network.

Advantages of remote and project-based work

  • Skill development

Remote and project-based work exposes youngsters to a variety of projects and challenges, accelerating their skill development. They have the opportunity to hone their expertise in specific areas, acquire new skills, and broaden their knowledge base through exposure to different projects and industries.

  • Flexibility and autonomy

These work models provide young adults with greater control over their work schedules, empowering them to manage their time efficiently. The flexibility to choose projects and adjust work hours fosters a sense of autonomy, enhancing work-life balance and personal satisfaction.

  • Adaptability and resilience

Remote and project-based work demand adaptability, as professionals often encounter new challenges and work with different teams or clients. This fosters resilience, the ability to embrace change, and the capacity to thrive in dynamic work environments.


And last but not least… how to prepare for these careers? 

To thrive in remote and project-based work, young adults can consider the following:

  • Cultivate self-discipline

Remote work requires discipline and self-motivation. Establishing routines, setting goals, and creating a dedicated workspace can enhance productivity and ensure successful remote work experiences.

  • Continual learning:

Embrace a growth mindset and commit to ongoing learning. Stay updated with industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices to remain competitive and adaptable in remote and project-based work environments.

  • Seek opportunities and embrace challenges:

Actively search for remote work opportunities and interim management roles. Explore freelancing platforms, project management websites, and networking events to discover relevant projects and interim management positions. Embrace challenges as valuable learning experiences that contribute to professional development.

Knowing the above does indicate that “adult life” and building your professional career does not have to be as dull and freedom-robbing as some young adults may have envisioned. Always keep on embracing new tendencies and make the best out of an ever-changing world.

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