Impossible, who says so?

Impossible, end of discussion! With that, all seems said, the discussion done, the initiative nipped in the bud … Until a brave (Interim) Manager enters the debate. With the best question asked, when an idea is blown away as "impossible", namely: why? Asking this one-word question, often ensures that the impossible already becomes less impossible.
Written on 08-11-2022

Impossible, who says so?

Impossible, but why? 

Impossible, end of discussion! With that, all seems said, the discussion done, the initiative nipped in the bud … Until a brave (Interim) Manager enters the debate. With the best question asked, when an idea is blown away as “impossible”, namely: why? Asking this one-word question, often ensures that the impossible already becomes less impossible.

The following are some fallacies or reasons why something is deemed impossible. Think for yourself whether you had to deal with one or several of these situations. And how you were eventually able to convince yourself or another to take the chance anyway. Or were convinced yourself.

Disruptive“Your proposal would break the traditional way of doing things, the corporate philosophy”. Before the corona pandemic, many business leaders were convinced that employees would not be able to work efficiently and dedicatedly from home. Wondering if there are still many who are completely writing off (part-time) teleworking nowadays.

Utopic: France’s NAOS comes out ahead: the company is inspired by a humanist utopia: the constant will to question the status quo in order to build a future that never loses sight of the fact that the ultimate goal, is mankind. The company therefore sets aside all certainties in the cosmetics sector to make way for eco-biology, or the art of preserving the skin’s ecosystem by enhancing its natural mechanisms. “Instead of over-treating the skin, we need to teach it to live” was the message. Naos is still doing very well!

Unusable: “Anyone who thinks mushrooms can be used to make biodegradable computer chips may have consumed too many of them themselves.” Fortunately, researchers at Johannes Kepler University in Austria thought otherwise. ( And developed exactly the kind of semi-conductors that will, who knows, unleash a true revolution within this industry.

Unenforceable: Cheops’ pyramid is an extraordinary building. Considered since ancient times as the first of the seven wonders of the world, it has never ceased to fascinate. One of the pyramid’s greatest mysteries lies in its construction, the secrets of which researchers have yet to unravel. Were the construction plan to be submitted to a panel of experienced architects, most would reject it even now for being impracticable. However, this pyramid can still be visited today … In all its beauty.

Unlivable: 8 billion people on our Earth. And perhaps 10 more? before the end of the 21st century. Can our planet handle this? At first glance, this seems difficult to accept. Yet it will mainly be an issue. “A decent existence for everyone is simply possible within ecological limits, even for an expected world population of 10 billion“, says Millward-Hopkins, Postdoctoral Researcher in Sustainability, University of Leeds. “But that would require addressing massive inequalities and excessive consumption patterns.


So, everything will depend on how we want to shape the future, what priorities we wish to set … and who has enough entrepreneurial spirit, as a business leader or self-employed Interim Manager to tackle the impossible in speed and cleverness.

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